Kue lapis legit atau thousand layers cake paling cocok sebagai makanan ringan disertai dengan teh hangat. Karena akan ada campuran rasa antara manis dan pahit sehingga seimbang. Kue ini sangat cocok disajikan sebagai hidangan pada waktu liburan, terutama pada saat natal, imlek dan lebaran.


Adonan A

  • 300 gram mentega tawar
  • 120 gram susu kental manis
  • 1 sdt rum
  • 1/2 sdt bumbu spekkoek
  • 90 gram kue tepung
  • 1/4 sdt garam

Adonan B

  • 12 kuning telur
  • 85 gram gula
  • 1 sdm vanilla paste

Adonan C

  • 6 putih telur
  • 55 gram gula
  • 1/4 sdt cream of tartar


  1. Panaskan oven hingga 200 Celcius, siapkan loyang kue berukuran 8' dengan kertas roti.

  2. Langkah pertama, gunakan mangkuk pencampur untuk krim mentega, susu kental manis dan rum dengan kecepatan sedang hingga mengembang, sekitar 10 menit. Tambahkan tepung kue, bumbu spekkoek dan garam. Campur lagi sampai rata.

  3. Selanjutnya, dalam mangkuk pengaduk lain, kuning telur kocok, pasta vanili dan gula dengan kecepatan tinggi hingga kental.

  4. Cuci, keringkan dan bersihkan mangkuk mixer Anda lalu kocok putih telur hingga terbentuk kaku, lalu tambahkan krim tartar dan tambahkan sisa gula dan kocok lagi hingga lunak dan mengkilap. Campur secara perlahan campuran telur dan tepung.

  5. Sekarang kita perlu menggabungkan semua adonan yang berbeda menjadi satu. Pertama, tambahkan adonan B ke adonan A, aduk hingga tercampur rata. Kemudian menggunakan spatula, lipat 1/3 adonan C menjadi kombo A / B adonan hingga tercampur rata, lalu campur di adonan C sisanya sampai tercampur rata.

  6. Untuk lapisan pertama, sebarkan sedikit adonan, sekitar 1/8 inci, pada wajan yang disiapkan. Dan panggang di rak tengah dari oven yang dipanaskan sampai berwarna cokelat keemasan, sekitar 10 menit.

  7. Untuk lapisan kedua dan seterusnya, matikan oven, tapi nyalakan oven, posisikan rak di dekat bagian atas lebih dekat ke elemen pemanas. Oleskan adonan secara merata (sekitar 1/8 inci), adonan akan terlihat lebih meleleh dan basah setelah ditempatkan ke dalam panci dan tekan panci di atas meja untuk menghilangkan gelembung udara. Panggang selama 1-2 menit hingga berwarna cokelat keemasan, Anda harus berjaga-jaga dan ekstra hati-hati mulai dari sini. Setiap memanaskan oven akan berbeda, dan Anda mungkin membutuhkan waktu lebih sedikit atau lebih, tetapi harus rajin dan ekstra dalam beberapa lapisan pertama sehingga tidak gosong. Setelah lapisan matang dan tampak cokelat keemasan, tambahkan lapisan lain sedikit di atasnya dan panggang lagi. Terus lakukan ini sampai adonan habis.

  8. Dinginkan kue dalam wajan selama 30 menit. Lalu, gunakan pisau di bagian tepinya dengan lembut untuk melonggarkan kue. Balik kue dengan lembut ke rak dan dinginkan kue.

Ini adalah salah satu kue yang paling lezat dan enak, juga sangat cocok untuk hidangan eksklusif di acara istimewah dan sederhana.

#Childhood #ChildhoodCakes #ChildhoodMemories #ThousandLayersCake #Spekkoek #KueLapisLegit #LapisLegit

Tentang Kue Lapis Legit

Kue lapis legit (Spekkoek) or spekuk in Indonesian is a type of Indonesian layer cake. It was developed during colonial times in the Dutch East Indies. The firm-textured cake is an Indo (Dutch-Indonesian) version of the European multi-layered spit cake. However it is not baked on a rotating spit, and contains a mix of Indonesian spices, such as cardamom, cinnamon, clove, mace and anise. The cake is made of flour and yolk and is rich in butter or margarine.

Spekkoek is popular in Indonesia and is served as a holiday treat, especially for natal, imlek, and lebaran. It is also served or given as gifts during many local festivities such as at birthday parties and weddings. In the Netherlands, the sliced cake is traditionally served for dessert in rijsttafel.

Fakta Menarik tentang Kue Lapis Legit

Fakta Menarik tentang Kue Lapis Legit: Kue Lapis Legit (Spekkoek) adalah kue lapis tradisional Belanda-Indonesia. Ini berisi campuran rempah-rempah, seperti kayu manis.

  • The lapis legit cake is often served during celebrations or gatherings, such as Eid al Fitr, Christmas, family gatherings or simply a snack to accompany a hot beverage, such as coffee or tea. It is no wonder, therefore, that this cake was named as one of the most delicious cakes in the world and considered as a proud Indonesian heritage. The painstaking labor that one must set aside behind the making of this simple looking cake is truly worth it. At a glance, this layered cake looks simple enough to munch without a second thought. However, the baking process is a complicated feat that could take hours and hours as each layer is made separately.
  • “The process of making a lapis legit cake requires patience and diligence, which reflects the baker. I admire all pastry makers who still preserve the culture of baking the lapis legit cake,” said Tourism Ministry’s Culinary and Shopping Tourism Acceleration Team Head, Vita Datau on Saturday (15/4/2017). The best quality lapis legit cakes use Dutch Wijsman butter and a lot of egg yolks. However, what makes this cake special are the spices that are mixed in this sweet, moist and firm layer cake also known as Spekkoek. The combination of cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg results in a simply irresistible cake. “Initially, this cake was made by a Dutch person who lived in Indonesia using Indonesian spices, such as cinnamon,” Vita explained. “We must preserve this tradition by teaching our children to be proud of Indonesia’s spices through this delicious cake adored by many.”
  • But that's not all. There are also a few interesting facts about the delicious cake that was first created during the Dutch colonial era. Up to 30, or sometimes even 40, eggs are used to bake it. A lapis legit cake can last for up to a week, stored in the fridge, without it changing texture. The price of a lapis legit cake is also quite expensive compared to other cakes considering its complicated baking process.
  • Inspired by the European layered cake with an Asian twist added, lapis legit was first created during the Dutch colonial era, according to CNN’s article of the world’s 17 most delicious national cakes. Aside from preparing the cake layer by layer, each layer must also be of the same size. One lapis legit cake can consist of up to 18 thin layers, but could add up to 20 to 22 layers of yummy goodness.
  • Lapis legit cake was originally named Spekkoek. The name Spekkoek loosely translated means ‘fatty cake’. So no matter how good or addictive it is, just remember that this cake is made using tons of eggs and butter, so better go easy on munching this delicious treat. Remember, a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.
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